Synopsis In 1989 the landowners of Central Bougainville closed one of the world's largest copper mines that was destroying their land. It remains closed to this day. AN EVERGREEN ISLAND is a story of courage, survival and persistence - of inventiveness, imagination and creativity on a little known, Pacific island.
AN EVERGREEN ISLAND Duration: 45minutes 2 short clips also World Social Forum Film Festival, Mumbai, 2004, Docomania, NEW ZEALAND, 5th Kalamata International Documentary Film Festival, Athens, Cape Town Earth Festival Film Programme, SOUTH AFRICA, Commonwealth Film Festival, Manchester, England, FINALIST, 2002 ATOM Awards, 2002, Melbourne, THIRD ANNUAL LABOR FILM FESTIVAL, Brookline, MA USA, Version>02, Museum of Contemporary Art, 220 East Chicago Avenue, CHICAGO USA, 20th GLOBALVISIONS FESTIVAL, Alberta CANADA, WILD SPACES ENVIRONMENTAL FILM FESTIVAL, AUSTRALIA, WOW 2000, A WORLD OF WOMEN'S CINEMA, Sydney NSW AUSTRALIA
2000 AN EVERGREEN ISLAND 45min Broadcast SBS TV, July 28, 2001