1991 The Shadow Over East Timor
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This is the first Australian film to comprehensively examine the genocide and resistance in East Timor since the Indonesian invasion of the island in 1975. Up until 1990 close to one third – 200,000 – of the Timorese people had died because of war and starvation.
The conflict was perhaps the least reported in modern history. Australia turned a blind eye whilst the United States increased its military aid to Indonesia.
THE SHADOW OVER EAST TIMOR reveals the inside story in interviews with refugees living in Australia who testify to what they saw: the massacres, the famine, the corruption and the resistance that continued up until the relatively recent UN sponsored elections in 1999.
Their accounts recorded the torture and pain of a people denied their right to lawful independence.

The Shadow Over East Timo


Also at
Resources 8: International
(127). The Shadow Over East Timor (58' 09") 2

Producer-Directors: Mandy King & James Kesteven
Writer: Denis Freney

This film was made with the ass
istance of the Australia Film Commission

ATOM Awards, 1987. Broadcast in Britain,
Netherlands, Canada, Portugal and Macau.
Finalist, Documentary, AFI Awards 1990
1991 broadcast on SBS TV

© 2021 fabio cavadini e mandy king